Hope & Trust

It is not uncommon for a person to lose hope when things are not going well in their life.  When faced with difficulties and problems we feel fearful and helpless, we become over-whelmed, and it doesn't take long for a sense of hopelessness to set in.  Focusing on our own real or perceived limitations and inability to change the condition of our life results in feeling stuck and paralyzed.  Fear makes us lose hope, which then leads to a loss of confidence.

Generally, our fears create doubts in our mind about our ability to handle that particular situation, and so we start feeling helpless... the problem seems too big for us to cope with.  Since fears lead to doubts, we doubt everything and everyone.  These fears and doubts eat at us.  Fears and doubts are progressive in nature... if unchecked they keep getting from bad to worse.  This combination of negative thoughts and feelings build on each other and take us spiraling down.  At this point we cannot trust ourselves or anyone else.

Fears --> Doubts --> Loss of Trust/Faith --> Loss of Hope

Hopelessness is one of the criteria for diagnosing Depression.  When hopelessness sets in a person does not know which way to turn, what to do and how to get out of it.  Nothing, absolutely nothing seems to help alleviate this feeling.  

Something has to shift within us to make us feel hopeful again.  Something that is buried so deep that we don't have access to it, or lose our hold on it.  

And this 'something' is a confidence on someone greater than me that I can count on to help me.  Generally, when someone is sick they rely on the doctor to help heal them, a child will rely on his parents to get him out of trouble, etc.  This trust on a doctor or parent, who has more control, strength, power or ability than me helps me overcome one's fear and sense of hopelessness and helplessness. 

This trust on someone else's strength/power/ability gives one hope.  We can see light at the end of this tunnel of despair.  Hope serves as a motivator for most purposeful behavior and is necessary for coping with fluctuating feelings of despair, depression, fear, anxiety and uncertainty. Hope is created when we trust and have faith in someone in whom we have confidence, someone we believe in, and someone we can count on.  Hope is connected to trust and faith.  The more we trust someone the more faith we have in them, the more hope we will have in what they tell us.  Trust is learned, it can be developed and increased.

From the Islâmic perspective, ultimately Allah Ta'ala is the only source who has REAL power and control over everything.  It is only His benevolence, generosity and mercy that we can count on and build our hopes on.  Real trust in God comes from knowledge, belief in His awe-inspiring Majesty... for those who know Him have confidence in Him.

Sûrah al Zumar 39.53
Say, O my servants who have transgressed against your own selves (souls). Despair not of God's mercy: behold, God forgives all sins - for verily He alone is much-forgiving (merciful), a dispenser of Grace.

Sûrah al Naml 27.62
Nay, who is it that responds to the distressed when he calls out to Him. And who removes the ill (that caused the distress) and has made you inherit the earth?  Could there be any divine power beside God?  How seldom do you keep this in mind.

Sûrah 71.13: 
'What is the matter with you, that you place not your hope for kindness and long-suffering in Allah?'

Sûrah al Baqarah 2.38:
'Whosoever follows My Guidance, on them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve.'

Sûrah âl Imrân 3.126:
'Allah made it (Qur'ân) but a message of hope for you.'

Sûrah âl Imrân 3.139:
So lose not heart, nor fall into despair: for ye must gain mastery if ye are true in faith.'

Sûrah Múminûn 23.62:
'On no soul do We place a burden greater than it can bear.'

Sûrah Yûsaf 12.87
'And never give up hope of Allâh's soothing mercy, truly no one despairs of Allâh's soothing mercy except those who have no faith.'

Hadith Qudsi:
'I treat My servant in the way he thinks of Me treating him.'  (Bukhâri, Muslim, Tirmidhi)  

However, having trust and faith in God does not mean that we cannot count on human beings or not rely on each other to help us... it is not a sign of lack of faith when we have expectations of each other... for in this world God works through the created beings.

© April 2004  published on www.crescentlife.com